Dear CETAF colleagues,

As you may have heard through one of our communication channels, an exciting opportunity awaits you and especially the education staff in your institution: the free BIOTALENT blended e-learning course "Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: E-Learn More" is open for regCETAFistration

The course is the outcome of one of our CETAF adjacent projects. Under the ERASMUS+ program and lead by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (BE), CETAF is partnering up with the Hungarian Natural History Museum (HU), the Natural History Museum of Crete - University of Crete (GR) as well as the EduFor Training Centre in Mangualde (PT). 

The course consists of three online modules: The general module on "Biodiversity and Climate Change" is followed by two optional modules on either medicinal plants or herpetofauna where participants deepen their knowledge on the impact of climate change on biodiversity via these case studies. The participants will however not only learn about biodiversity and climate change but also make their own inquiries following the Inquiry Based Learning methodology towards understanding why we may call our age the 6th wave of mass extinction of Earth’s biota.

The online part of the course will take place from January to March 2019 with a weekly learning commitment of about 3-4 hours.  Upon completion, the participants will receive the BIOTALENT ECVET (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) Certificate and the Europass Diploma Supplement, confirming the knowledge, skills and competences they gained. For 20 lucky participants this will be followed up by a attended learning component where they get to spend five days in Crete, with scientific collections-based training as well as field sessions.

All necessary information including the registration link is available via the BIOTALENT website: is the 21st of December 2018! 

Do not miss this opportunity to learn about biodiversity, improve your skills and upgrade your CV! We hope to see many of you to share this incredible program!

Kind regards,




Executive Director

DiSSCo Coordination Team Member

ABS Consultation Forum Representative

P. +32 (0) 2 627 42 51

M. +32 (0) 496 79 19 57

