Dear Ana,
Thank you very much for this very opportune decision. We, here, confined at home until the end of the mont!.
All the best


El 16 mar 2020, a las 8:53, Ana Casino <> escribió:

Dear CETAF colleagues,


After extensive considerations in the Executive Committee and in light of the ever more drastic measures taken by European governments to limit the spread of the coronavirus, we have decided – in accordance with our hosts, the Royal Museum for Central Africa – that CETAF will do its part to flatten the epidemiological curve and cancel the upcoming CETAF47 Governing Board Meeting in Tervuren on 12-13 May 2020.


We do this to limit the necessity for travel, practice social distancing as recommended by experts and to limit the opportunities that any one of us could function as a disease vector for an at-risk demography in our countries. We hope for your understanding.


We will come back to you once we can better assess when those measures might no longer be necessary to then communicate how we will move forward. We are very sorry for this since we are very aware of the benefits of the regular CETAF meetings but see no better alternative at this point. We remain at your disposal should you have any questions.


Best regards,

The CETAF Executive Committee and Executive Director




Executive Director

DiSSCo Coordination Team Member

ABS Consultation Forum Representative

P. +32 (0) 2 627 42 51

M. +32 (0) 496 79 19 57







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