Dear CETAF representatives,


As I hope you have noticed, we managed to launch CETAF’s award E-SCoRE a couple of weeks ago. Please spread the word about the call within your institutions, among your national collaborators  and through your professional networks. We are hoping for active participation in the call and wide visibility for this community effort.


Please also note that we will be calling upon specialists from within the CETAF community to act in the evaluation committee. I am not asking for names yet – within the Executive Committee we decided that we should first wait and see how many applicants there are and from which areas and institutions they come – but it would be good to keep this in mind and start thinking of possible people to ask. The committee will need to be formed right after the application deadline of January 31, 2020.


On behalf of the whole EC I wish you all a peaceful holiday break and a happy New Year!



Professor Leif Schulman, PhD

Director, Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS

Director, Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility FinBIF

Chair of the Governing Board, Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities CETAF

Head of Delegation of Finland, Global Biodiversity Information Facility GBIF

P.O.Box 17, 00014 University of Helsinki / Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13, Helsinki

tel. +358-50-5487692

Skype: leifschulman

Twitter: @Leif_Sch

Luomus is a Library of Life. We cherish and study the national natural history collections and open them to the public. We work for the good of nature, people and society.