Dear Steffen
Thanks for your interest! 
We are currently working in drafting the Minutes that will be reviewed by the CETAF Executive Committee and then circulated to the rest of CETAF members. The representatives will be then responsible to disseminate the major outcomes and lines of action agreed throughout their respective institutions to the largest interested audience possible. 
We will hear from us in short.
Best regards

Ana Casino

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From: <> on behalf of Steffen Pauls <>
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2019 6:26:08 AM
To: <>
Cc: Kerstin Höntsch <>
Subject: [CETAF_Members] CETAF Meeting in Leiden Summary/Minutes
Dear Karsten,

I may have missed it, but I was wondering if you are planning to or have
already sent around minutes from the CETAF governing board meeting in
October. Or will there be an executive summary. I would like to use this
as a basis for my report to the heads of our institution.

Best wishes from Frankfurt!


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