Dear Ana,
we are very pleased that this training is being organised, but we are a bit surprised by its date. On such short notice we won't be able to attend or fill out the questionnaire. I hope there will be a later opportunity to do this training again, with enough notification beforehand.
Best,Steven van der Mije
Collection Staff
071-751 9311 - 06-45336594Vondellaan 55, 2332 AA LeidenPostbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden
Op vr 22 mrt. 2019 om 15:45 schreef Ana Casino <>:
Dear CETAF colleagues,
As announced in our latest CETAF Governing Board meeting back in November in Bratislava (SK), a new Training workshop on ABS implementation is organized by the ABS Core Team and will take place in Stockholm (SE) next 1st of April 2019. For this workshop being successful we need your strongest involvement and your attendance, to address your specific concerns and try to learn about practical examples of how to deal with ABS dimensions in collections management and taxonomic research. After that, you may become a trainer for your colleagues at your own institution and therefore, we can reach out more widely in the effective implementation of the CETAF Code of Conduct. If you have not registered yet, please do it by sending an email to .
The training will last from 09:00 to 17:00 and take place at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Attached Information on the Workshop!. For other questions regarding the logistics of the event, please contact For questions on the content of the workshop, please contact
For the CoC to work effectively, we need to join forces and implement it in all our institutions in a coherent manner.
Therefore it is important that as many institutions as possible are represented at the training event.
Please find attached a questionnaire issued by the ABS core team regarding ABS management in CETAF institutions. This questionnaire is important for the preparation of the training in Stockholm, so please return it to until Friday, 29 March 2019. Thank you very much for your collaboration!
Kind regards,
The CETAF ABS Core Team
Ana Casino
Executive Director
DiSSCo Coordination Team Member
ABS Consultation Forum Representative
P. +32 (0) 2 627 42 51
M. +32 (0) 496 79 19 57
c/o Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
rue Vautier, 29 1000, Brussels. Belgium
Exploring and documenting diversity in nature
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