Fwd: Invitation: TDWG Collection Description standard development BBQ2 and BBQ3! (Tasty Standards Work) laura.tilley@cetaf.org (27 Mar 2020 14:16 CET)
Re: [CETAF_ESG] Fwd: Invitation: TDWG Collection Description standard development BBQ2 and BBQ3! (Tasty Standards Work)
Rasser, Michael W.
(27 Mar 2020 15:09 CET)
Re: [CETAF_ESG] Fwd: Invitation: TDWG Collection Description standard development BBQ2 and BBQ3! (Tasty Standards Work)
Patricia Mergen
(27 Mar 2020 15:12 CET)
Re: [CETAF_ESG] Fwd: Invitation: TDWG Collection Description standard development BBQ2 and BBQ3! (Tasty Standards Work)
Rasser, Michael W.
(27 Mar 2020 15:22 CET)
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Invitation: TDWG Collection Description standard development BBQ2 and BBQ3! (Tasty Standards Work) Date: 2020-03-16 21:32 From: Deborah Paul <dpaul@fsu.edu> To: Matt Woodburn <M.Woodburn@nhm.ac.uk>, Allison Becker <beckerah@si.edu>, "ana.casino@cetaf.org" <ana.casino@cetaf.org>, Andrea Hahn <ahahn@gbif.org>, Annisa Lybaert <Anissa.Lybaert@agr.gc.ca>, Arthur Chapman <biodiv_2@achapman.org>, Barbara Thiers <bthiers@nybg.org>, Cat Chapman <cchapman@floridamuseum.ufl.edu>, Celia Santos <csantos@mncn.csic.es>, Connie Rinaldo <crinaldo@oeb.harvard.edu>, Dag Endresen <dag.endresen@nhm.uio.no>, "Dimitris Koureas (dimitris.koureas@naturalis.nl)" <dimitris.koureas@naturalis.nl>, Donald Hobern <dhobern@gbif.org>, Erica Krimmel <ekrimmel@fsu.edu>, Falko Gloeckler <falko.gloeckler@mfn-berlin.de>, Giles Miller <g.miller@nhm.ac.uk>, Hanieh Saeedi <hanieh.saeedi@senckenberg.de>, "Holly Little (littleh@si.edu)" <littleh@si.edu>, Íris Sampaio <irisfs@gmail.com>, Isabel Reu <isabel.rey@csic.es>, "james.macklin@gmail.com" <james.macklin@gmail.com>, Jana Hoffman <jana.hoffmann@mfn-berlin.de>, Janeen Jones <jjones@fieldmuseum.org>, Jim Beach <beach53@gmail.com>, Joana Beja <joana.beja@vliz.be>, Joel Ramirez <jramirez@nybg.org>, Johanna Eder <johanna.eder@smns-bw.de>, "Kampmeier, Gail E" <gkamp@illinois.edu>, "Karin Wiltschke (karin.wiltschke@nhm-wien.ac.at)" <karin.wiltschke@nhm-wien.ac.at>, Kate Webbink <kwebbink@fieldmuseum.org>, Laura Tilley <laura.tilley@cetaf.org>, Maarten Trekels <maarten.trekels@plantentuinmeise.be>, Melissa Tulig <mtulig@nybg.org>, Morten Høfft <mhoefft@gbif.org>, Natalya Ivanova <natalya.dryomys@gmail.com>, "Niels Klazenga (niels.klazenga@rbg.vic.gov.au)" <niels.klazenga@rbg.vic.gov.au>, Niels Raes <niels.raes@naturalis.nl>, Olle Hints <olle.hints@taltech.ee>, Pascal Tschudin <pascal.tschudin@unine.ch>, Patricia Mergen <patricia.mergen@plantentuinmeise.be>, "Petersen, Mareike" <Mareike.Petersen@mfn.berlin>, Quentin Groom <quentin.groom@plantentuinmeise.be>, Raoul Palese <raoul.palese@ville-ge.ch>, Rebecca Snyder <snyderr@si.edu>, Sharon Grant <sgrant@fieldmuseum.org>, "Singer,Randal Anthony" <rsinger@flmnh.ufl.edu>, Stanley Blum <stanblum@gmail.com>, Terry Catapano <catapanoth@gmail.com>, Tim Robertson <trobertson@gbif.org>, "Trizna, Mike" <TRIZNAM@si.edu>, Wiebke Walbaum <wiebke.walbaum@smns-bw.de>, William Ulate <william_ulate_r@yahoo.com>, Wouter Addink <wouter.addink@naturalis.nl>, "Nelson,Gil" <gnelson@floridamuseum.ufl.edu>, Donald Hobern <dhobern@ibol.org>, David Bloom <dbloom@vertnet.org> Dear Collection Descriptions Task Group, We'd like to invite you to join us at one of the upcoming TDWG CD Task Group Barbeques to work on the standard. Two more are coming up next week. About 15 of you joined us for BBQ1 - thank you! Please mark your calendars for one (or both!) of these: BBQ TWO THU 26TH MARCH 9:00-11:00 EDT 8:00-10:00 CDT 13:00-15:00 GMT/UTC 14:00-16:00 CET Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/480620589 [1] BBQ THREE FRI 27TH MARCH 10:00-12:00 CDT 11:00-13:00 EDT 15:00-17:00 GMT/UTC 16:00-18:00 CET Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/951867625 [2] WHY ARE WE DOING THESE? We're aiming to get a first draft of the Collection Descriptions data standard finished in September this year, which means finalising the draft standard's classes and properties, and their definitions, for review and ratification. However, there's a fair amount of work to get through before then, so we need to draw on as much of your knowledge, experience and time as is available in the coming months to get there. The input that we're looking for in these sessions can include: * refining (or add, if missing) the names, definitions and examples for the classes and terms that have been identified so far * proposing any new classes or properties that are missing but should be included in the first draft * highlighting any of the current classes or properties that should not be included in the first draft (or in the standard in general) * suggesting controlled vocabularies for properties where appropriate * proposing existing properties or terms from other data standards that could be re-used for the CD standard, instead of creating a property from scratch Please note that the intention of these particular sessions is to focus on the development of the standard, rather than to discuss the more strategic elements of how collection descriptions schemes and registries should work within the community (as important and tempting as that is!). HOW DO THEY WORK? We'll run a virtual meeting using Zoom for the duration of the session (see meeting links below). This will start with a short introduction to the standard, useful resources, and how to work on the standard within the group's Github repository and Slack. After that, the Zoom meeting will remain open for chat and questions, but people are also welcome to drop out of the meeting to just work and communicate via Github issues. Although the session runs for two hours, after the introduction we're also happy for people to dip in and out as they're available (and to keep working after the session ends, of course!). Each session will include a number of coordinators, who are more familiar with the standard and Github and have kindly agreed to help provide support and answer questions. This isn't a method we've tried before (but the Carpentries.org folks have), so there will be a certain element of working it out as we go along! MORE INFORMATION If you haven't seen looked at it recently (or at all!), it would be worth browsing our Github repo in advance (https://github.com/tdwg/cd [3]) to get up to speed on the group's work. We'll also be using a Google sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w8DMgUwl7tf-9AXQOpT6IRQeMuUbxUZlJwQinrtUvAs [4]) as an index to help people navigate the standard and decide what to work on. It will be updated prior to the first BBQ to reflect the work carried out at last month's MOBILISE workshop, and also after the BBQs, but in the meantime please feel free to use it to click around. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Hope to see many of you online in the near future! Best, Deb and Matt Apologies to anyone who gets this email twice, as we're circulating to both the TDWG group and to participants in the recent MOBILISE collection description workshop in Warsaw, and we know that there's a reasonable amount of crossover between the two groups. -- -- Upcoming iDigBio Events https://www.idigbio.org/calendar -- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Digitization and Workforce Development Manager iDigBio -- Steering Committee Member SPNHC Liaison, Member-At-Large and Member International Relations Committee ICEDIG External Advisory Board Member https://icedig.eu/ Vice Chair, Biodiversity Information Standards Organisation (TDWG)(2019-2021) Managing Editor, Biodiversity Information Science and Standards (BISS) https://biss.pensoft.net/board/ Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 850-644-6366 Links: ------ [1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://zoom.us/j/480620589__;!!PhOWcWs!mGo92BtnQ3o_LPAG0itxj1sNYVmv6EhBGBdJEJWtHUy_R6JHcxY40qqNG5l6CQ$ [2] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://zoom.us/j/951867625__;!!PhOWcWs!mGo92BtnQ3o_LPAG0itxj1sNYVmv6EhBGBdJEJWtHUy_R6JHcxY40qrY3_JvlQ$ [3] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/tdwg/cd__;!!PhOWcWs!mGo92BtnQ3o_LPAG0itxj1sNYVmv6EhBGBdJEJWtHUy_R6JHcxY40qo-Lc8bcA$ [4] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w8DMgUwl7tf-9AXQOpT6IRQeMuUbxUZlJwQinrtUvAs__;!!PhOWcWs!mGo92BtnQ3o_LPAG0itxj1sNYVmv6EhBGBdJEJWtHUy_R6JHcxY40qpwh58QKg$ Dear Colleagues, For those that are interested - the TDWG collection description (virtual working meeting) is happening at 16:00 - 18:00 (CET). They have expressed the need for insight from the earth science community in checking collection description terms and whether additions need to be made to cover earth science. I will be attending! Best wishes Laura