
I have tried to answer on the EUROPEANA possible funding and how it could work, but received also a message that my mail is put on hold, but it was not heavy, no attachment ...
something does not work with this simplelists mailing system ...


Dear all

Indeed for a CEF submission in 2019  we need 

1 a number of cetaf or dissco members who have collections images (here it can be broad including cultural heritage, archives, books, maps, illustrations beyond natural sciences specimens, items or observations (photographs)  not yet in Europeana reaching 1Mio or more. It must not be only earth sciences related at this level.

2' if a sufficient large amount of 3d images are provided with an improvement of the handling of them by the Europeana portal the 1mio objects informal number if not reach, may have a chance, but would not risk it as with 115 partners in DiSSCo and the overall advertised digitisation efforts, difficult to justify that such numbers cannot be reached.

3. The earth sciences VE exhibition needs then indeed to be accepted by the consortium in the «amazing content» part.

If you have more questions let me know.


Op ma 3 dec. 2018 om 15:49 schreef MICHELLIER Caroline <caroline.michellier@africamuseum.be>:
Thanks Laura.
I will have a look to the documents asap.
Let me know if you need inputs.
Best regards,

De : cetaf_earthsc@cetaf.simplelists.com [cetaf_earthsc@cetaf.simplelists.com] de la part de Laura, Tilley [laura.tilley@smns-bw.de]
Envoyé : lundi 3 décembre 2018 14:50
À : cetaf_earthsc@cetaf.simplelists.com
Objet : [CETAF_ESG] Hazard and Disaster Virtual Exhibition

Dear colleagues,

I sent around an email on friday, but I am not sure whether you received it because I got a message saying it needed to be approved as it was to large. Anyway I have put it in PDF format (see attached). I have also attached the Hazard and Disaster Architecture (not much has changed), and P.Mergens powerpoint presentation for Europeana funding.

Many Thanks

Best wishes


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Patricia Mergen
Botanic Garden Meise
Nieuwelaan 38
1860 Meise