Dear Laura,
Agree with Steffen on this - we never show personal data (except taxon author names and responsible curators) in any kind of export/database.
All the best
Dr. Andreas Kroh
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A, Editor-in-Chief
Natural History Museum Vienna
Geological-Paleontological Dept.
Burgring 7 – 1010 Vienna – Austria – EU
Tel: 0043-1-52177-576
Fax: 0043-1-52177-459<>
Von: <> im Auftrag von Steffen Kiel <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 03. April 2020 16:00:01
Betreff: RE: AW: [CETAF_ESG] requesting your knowledge on ES collections.
Hi Laura,
I agree with what’s been written so far. Just one comment regarding ‘, COLLECTOR NAME’ – this may conflict with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in case the collector is still alive.
Have a nice weekend,
From: <> On Behalf Of Charalampos Fassoulas
Sent: den 3 april 2020 15:26
Subject: Re: AW: [CETAF_ESG] requesting your knowledge on ES collections.
Dear All
Jiri's comments covered also me. I think these info are ok for the needs.
With greetings
Babbis Fassoulas
On 3/4/2020 10:53 π.μ., Rasser, Michael W. wrote:
For some reason, my answer a few minutes ago was missing the subject line. In order to avoid confusion, I am re-sending it with the subject header. Sorry for this.
Am Fr., 3. Apr. 2020 um 09:50 Uhr schrieb Rasser, Michael W. <<>>:
Dear Laura, below are my comments on this:
1) How are Earth Science Collections curated and organized? I said
mainly defined by taxonomy, geographical origin, Storage and
Stratigraphic age (based on the Synthesys classifications) Are there any
I agree with Jiri that this is enough!
Just to give a comparison with Andreas' list, our collections are organised and curated not only by systematic, but they cover all of the keywords above:
Level 1:
Amphibians, Fishes, Reptiles
Paleozoic and Triassic Invertebrates
Jurassic and Cretaceous Invertebrates
Tertiary and Quaternary Invertebates
Quaternary mammals
Tertiary mammals
Level 2:
Each collection is then organised by locality, stratigraphy, systematics, or a mixture of them, resp.
2) What is the minimum information that would be required in World
collections catalogue for the discoverability of Earth Science
collections and for a research to locate particular collections of
Not sure, if you mean discoverability of the collection itself, or of the museums objects that are housed in the respective collection. I assume that you mean discoverability of the objects:
* Taxon name (no higher taxon name needed)
* Repository number
* Stratigraphy
* Geography
* Housing institution
* Curator / contact address
3) What descriptive information should be considered mandatory or
desirable for each Collection?
* Name and address of institution
* Responsible curator / contact person
* Stratigraphic focus
* Systematic focus
* Geographic focus
All the best and stay healthy!
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Charalampos (Babbis) Fassoulas
Geologist, PhD – Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP)
Curator of geological collections
University of Crete – Natural History Museum of Crete
Knossou Av. Premises,
GR-71409, Heraklio, Crete, HELLAS
Tel. +30 2810 393277, FAX. +30 2810 324366
Mobile +30 697 7881675, Skype: babis.fassoulas
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