Dear all,


here a few additions:


Taxonomic type:


-          The category “Soil/Sediment” make no sense, as consolidated sediments fit to Petrology, I would prefer to use here only the term “Soil” or better “Loose sediment”

-          The category “Other” should contain also as examples technical products (e.g. slags, metal alloys from ore smelting), models (e.g. ranging from crystallographic model up to geological and mining models), organics (e.g. amber, copal, oil), nevertheless this object types could also define their own subcategories/ “Radioactive” is here a bad samples, because such samples fit well into the categories Mineralogy or Petrology, Radioactive or toxic is much more important for storage classification


Storage classification


-          Geology: Mineralogy: change example to “Hand held objects of minerals, undressed gems, rocks, ores or technical products  that can be contained in draws, shelves and cabinets

-          Geology: Microscopic slides, change example to “Binocular or petrographic microscope slides or thick sections of minerals, gems, rocks, ores or technical products”



Best regards
