Dear colleagues,
I am writing to update you on the progress of the GeoCASe portal. On the 15th November there was a meeting between I.T. experts, from SMNS Stuttgart, University Tallin, MfN, Prague and Helsinki, to discuss their assessment of the GeoCASe source code, the final minutes attached. Positive steps have been made – but it was too early for any significant findings due the process of installing the relevant software onto the server taking longer than expected. I have added the GeoCASe inefficiencies to the Github repository as individual tickets – Falko encourages people to observe how the tickets have been labelled and organised, and to upload any inefficiencies using the same format.
Here is the GitHub link:
We intend to have another update meeting with the I.T. experts sometime after the 15th December - still to be decided.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Best wishes
Dr. Laura Tilley
Project Assistant
+32 (0) 2 627 42 50
c/o Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
rue Vautier, 29 1000, Brussels. Belgium
Exploring and documenting diversity in nature
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