Dear Colleagues

I have been working on the virtual exhibition, this is what I have done so far:

·         Writing the welcome page (first draft nearly done).

·         African volcanoes: Nyirogongo and Nyamuragira (rough first draft)

·         Expanding the Ries and Steinheim impact events collections (need to proof read)

·         Greek earthquakes (just started organising)

I will  try my hardest to get the above finished by 17th March. It takes a lot of time because I need to read the literature and then write the case studies. I also have other responsibilities.

If you would like to write a short piece of text on some collections in your musuem that represent a Hazard or Disaster (half a page/no more than a page). The case study should include a little background on the event and the collection, the techniques used, how collection helped further understanding the event and the techniques used. And any lessons learnt.  A good explanation of the collection images.

Also if you know of any students that would be interested in contributing a case study - forward them to me. It’s good outreach practice.

So the plan is that I will finish the above case studies then show to the group for feedback.

The wordpress template is a very simple one because I only have the free version which has limited customization. The premium version is around 95 euros.

To note that my contract finishes on the 6th June - I like doing the virtual exhibition and think it has potential but the group needs to really think about whether they can support it and whether it is worth pursuing. Simply because it takes up a fair bit of my time and the worst thing would be to have it wasted. I am an early career scientist trying to find my next position so how I use my time is important.

Thank you for your time.

Best wishes
