RNDr. Jiří Frank, Ph.D. |
vědecký tajemník |
scientific secretary |
![]() |
Vinohradská 1, 110 00 Praha 1 |
T: +420 224 497 223 |
M: +420 607 108 649 |
E: jiri_frank@nm.cz |
W: www.nm.cz |
W: www.esbirky.cz/ |
W: www.biodiversitylibrary.org |
To: Jirka Frank, <jiri_frank@nm.cz>
Subject: biodiversity_next call for proposals
Dear Jiří,
Thank you for submitting your proposal “The role of Earth Science collections within biodiversity research” as a symposium for the upcoming biodiversity_next conference in Leiden, The Netherlands, in October 2019.
We received a large number of proposals for this type of event, greatly exceeding the available capacity. The Programme Committee (PC) examined your proposal at length. We recognize its merit and are keen to have this subject covered in the conference.
I am pleased to confirm to you that your submission was successful and that we were able to grant you in principle one 90-minute session for your symposium within the science track. In view of the tight competition for space, we decided to initially accommodate all accepted proposals during the main conference as single sessions.
We plan to publish the list of accepted symposia and workshops shortly and open the call for contributions immediately afterward. We would, therefore, be grateful if you would confirm your acceptance of the symposium under the above conditions on or before Thursday, February 7th.
Please find below a link to a copy of your summary with suggested edits.
Once again, thanks for your proposal and we hope you can come back to us soon.
With warm regards,
Arturo H. Ariño
PC Chair
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